1. 请介绍一下你专业和学校的情况? Please tell me something about your major and your university.
2. 请介绍一下你的单位?你在里面做什么? Please tell me something about your company and what’s your responsibility?
3. What’s your experience of programming? 你有那些编程经验
4. 为什么你的研究工作很重要? Why it’s very important of your study?
5. .你的工资多少? what is your wage?
6. 你准备带多少钱去加拿大?How much will you get to Canada?
7. 这些钱是从哪里来的?你父母给你多少钱?Where have you gotten these money? How much will your parents give you?
8. 你在加拿大准备怎么找工作?How will you find a job after you get to Canada?
9. What do you know about the IT company of Canada?你对加拿大的IT公司知道多少?
10. What do you know about Ottawa? 你知道渥太华一些什么?
11. (问配偶)你的教育背景?你做什么工作?What’s your education background? What are you doing?
12. 你为什么要移民加拿大,请写在纸上。你为什么认为你有资格移民加拿大?
Why do you want to immigrate to Canada? Why do you think you have the qualification for immigrating to Canada?
13. 你有几年的工作经历?How many years of work experience do you have?
14. 你太太会讲英语吗?Can your wife speak English?
15. 你打算在哪里定居?Where do you want to settle down?
16. 你有朋友在加拿大吗?他们住在哪里、干什么的?Do you have any friend in Canada? Where are they? What do they do?
17. 你太太是做什么的,在哪里? What does your wife do? And where?
18. 你打算在加拿大做什么工作,你太太呢?What do you plan to do in Canada, and your wife?
19. 你有一个哥哥和姐姐?Do you have a brother and a sister?
20. How long have you been working ?你工作了多久了?
21. 你在这一领域工作了多久了?How long have you been working in this firm ?
22. How long since you are in the position of programmer? 你在程序员的位置上几年了?
23. Please tell me your daily duties & responsibilities?请告诉我你的日常职责?
24. What sort of business/trade is the firm you are now working for? 你现在工作的是一个什么样的公司?
25. 请描述一下你们公司的业务种类。Would you please describe the business nature of your firm(company)?
26. How do you assist your superior officer ?你怎样给你的上司提供帮助?
27. How many employees are there in your firm ? 你们公司有多少员工?
28. How many staff are there in your department ? 你们部门有多少员工?
29. What is your position in your firm ? 你在公司是什么位置?
30. How many persons are there under your supervision ? 你的辖下有多少人?